Aug 4, 2013

"The Tales of a Stroke Patient"....YES!

“The Tales of a Stroke Patient” is making its way into the limelight.

I am a stroke survivor, and I’ve written a book that tells of my expedition. If a stroke could happen to  me, with low cholesterol, low blood pressure, no diabetes or obesity, it could happen to ANYBODY!

If you’re a stroke survivor, caregiver, have stroke in your genes, an avid reader of memoirs, or just curious if a stroke could happen to you, please read my book that will educate and inspire to make stroke awareness so much bigger than it currently is. 

Warning: Not intended for the faint of heart or politically correct crowd.

Click the link to buy it:

or for Barnes & Noble’s Nook,

Don’t have a credit card? Message me by Facebook to see how you can get a copy!

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