Jul 10, 2015

For Immediate Attention: An Email Just Received

I just received an email from Douglas Lowell, President of Find a Cure Panel for debilitating diseases including stroke. Here is what he said:

Subject line: Cryptogenic stroke (which is known as a stroke of unknown cause) qualitative research

Find a Cure Panel specializes in patient research for rare and serious diseases and conditions including strokes.

Douglas Lowell says, "Patients who have no idea what caused the stroke and the doctor lists 15 reasons but can’t settle on one, and nobody agrees…that’s cryptogenic and as long as they do not have AFIB, then they qualify."

In the next few weeks, FACP has some patient and caregiver research for people who have suffered a cryptogenic stroke (which is also known as a stroke of unknown cause) but have NOT been diagnosed with AFIB.

It’s very easy to participate. It’s one confidential and anonymous call with one moderator talking about your experience. FACP gives you a 1800 number to call in and schedule the call at your convenience.

To qualify:
1) You must live in the US;

2) You must have suffered a cryptogenic stroke (stroke of unknown cause)

3) You must be over the age of 50

4) You must NOT have an implanted cardiac device (ie. Monitor or pacemaker)

5) You must NOT have been diagnosed with AFIB

6) Must NOT be using Veteran’s insurance.

If you do the call, FACP will donate $100 to a non profit of respondent choice.

If you are interested in participating, please email us at info@findacurepanel.com and reference cryptogenic stroke.

As my grandmother used to say in her broken English, "Oy. It couldn't hurt."

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