Jan 1, 2022

Like It Or Not, It's Time For This Stroke Survivor's Top 5 New Year Resolutions!

This year has been tough, more for some, less for others like me who occasionally don't mind being shut in the cocoon to write. But, alas comes the time for New Year's Resolutions. I love to write resolutions because it gives me words and actions to be accountable for. So here goes!

1. I will never stop being a vegan. Veganism gave me more energy where I only take limited naps a month. I restrict my diet to only vegan things and the one food that I loved--corned beef--I don't miss at all. 

2. I promise to do my exercises regularly. Three times a week was told to me when I started out. But now, everyday is advised by the physical therapist. Sometimes, I'm tired and just don't feel like exercising, but I'll take a power (15 minutes) nap and try again.

3. I want to see Brain Exchange flourish continuously because I have devoted the rest of my life to survivors of stroke and other traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Sara and I started Brain Exchange that sets up a writing partner 1:1, like the old pen pal program, to everyone who joins the initiative that is EXCLUSIVELY for stroke and other TBIers and meetings where everyone shares the struggles and joy, plus a Facebook group called Brain Exchange. If you know anyone who fits the bill, please have them look me up on Facebook.

4. The one thing every therapist said--physical, occupational, speech--in the 12+ year I've had my stroke is drink a lot of water to keep you hydrated. I like tea and coffee, and there's no difference with water for hydration. But herbal teas and decaffeinated coffee are fine because the caffeine will make you more anxious if you have more than two cups of the caffeine varieties. But I like fruit-infused water. Throw some lemon in your thermos of water and it's being hydrated with water and Vitamin C all at once!  

5. I will refrain from correcting anybody who says "supposably" rather than "supposedly." As Dictionary.com says: "
While supposably is a real (if rare) word, most people will opt for synonyms such as possibly or conceivably. Because many mistakenly believe others using supposably is a mistake, a lot of people avoid supposably so as not to invoke the wrath of people who are supposedly grammar snobs." 

I learned something new. I am a snob.

6. I'm almost a third done my memoir and I want to finish it by 2023. I have everybody in there -- my family, my childhood, my adult years, my sucky marriage, my suckier ex-partner. But writing comes easy to me, and I'm resolute to publish it. Stay tuned, readers!


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