Feb 7, 2022

My Blog "The Tales of a Stroke Patient and More" Has An Update!

I stand by that old expression that has been attributed to so many: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I hate change but accept it--eventually.  

So I'm happy to announce on this snowy Christmas eve that The Tales of a Stroke Patient and More blog has a new home. After over 700,000 readers around the world (except Antarctica), I switched apps, a treacherous step indeed, and so I had to change where it now resides: 


Coupled with the location change was a name change. There were two: I dropped the article "The" and the unneeded "And More" in the title. And after almost 13 years, which just seem like last month, I am definitely a survivor.

My memory of that place, the dreaded rehab center in Pomona, New Jersey, still remains, and I'm reminded of another quote said by Edward de Bono: "A  memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen."  

Anyway, so there it is. New location. New name. (And just in time for the) New Year.

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